Michael Bishop The Cooler Real Estate Agent
Howard Hanna 614-600-4554

Are we in a housing market bubble?

Housing market bubble, yes or no?

This is a great question. So let's speak truths only. Does anyone know the future?

  • For this question we are discussing the housing market, and housing prices and values. 
  • Can anyone know tomorrow, or next week, let alone what next year has in store for us or even several years into the future. 
  • My position is no one KNOWS the future.
  • As an economics trained individual, it was the general teaching that the past can help forecast the future results but no one can be certain

What is a bubble, and is it coming back to housing?

  • A bubble is typically a situation with too much of something, whether its a product or a service
  • Combine this circumstance with not enough demand, or buyers, users
  • Summary: Over supplied and under demanded


Are we heading for a burst and collapse?

  • Crystal ball... are we going to have a housing collapse?
  • Here I'll refer back to the beginning and say no one know the future but the attached video: from early 2021 discusses the past and the math that created the bubble and how the market looked in 2021 concerning the question of will housing prices fall, and fall dramatically.

Housing Shortage in the US - is it a Bubble? Housing crisis in the US: Myth, Legend or Fact-lore

While I shot this crude video a few years age while at Re/Max the overall market conditions have not changed much. Or not enough that I'd call this view out of date.

Will it be out of date - sure. There will be a time when the numbers change and so does the outlook. 

Keep in mind. When I use the term in my slogan: Know the Numbers, in many ways it really means always keep track.

What was true two years ago may not be true today. But it also means it's important to stay on top of the numbers (data). By on top, I mean as close to real time as possible.

I try to constantly stay current on all our markets. When you know more, it's my belief that you can be confident. Even with massive amounts of data behind the summaries I compile for prospective buyers and sellers. When it comes down to their one single transaction it can still be highly volatile. Unpredictable. Uncertain. But that's always going to be true.

If it's a unpredictable answer:

  • Do you prefer to go in to buying or selling with a little information and hope for the best outcome?
  • Or will you become more informed
  • Become more knowledgeable
  • Know lots of facts
  • Have a calculated idea of what your outcome could be - should be
  • If this makes sense to you then you should consider talking with Michael Bishop, The Cooler Real Estate Agent: 614-600-4554


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Michael Bishop The Cooler Real Estate Agent

The housing market is competitive.

With over 19 years in real estate, having been in new home sales and construction for nine years, and a Realtor for the past 10+ years -  I will be your local advisor. 

I help clients navigate the home buying and selling process. As a valued client, you'll receive:

• Information. Knowledge. Data. Stats. Facts. So you too become your own expert!

My my tools will help you gain needed expertise on the neighborhoods and local markets you like best!
• Sellers: I provide innovative strategies to market and sell your home so you net top dollar.
• Buyers: Additional insights into for sale listings that are not accessible online.
• Buy or Sell: I'm a proven, successful, negotiator who will be with you for every step; a trusted, knowledgeable partner through closing and beyond.